Blind Luck MUD Development Diary, Entry 2

Christer Enfors
6 min readAug 15, 2021

Last week, I wrote about my plans for making Blind Luck MUD — a text-based online roleplaying fantasy game, where the visually impaired can play on the same terms as everybody else (using screen readers, which reads the text of the game out loud to them). In this week’s entry, I’ll go over what I’ve been able to accomplish since then.

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As you might remember from the previous entry, I wanted to start development by making a “small, inner circle” of very basic functionality for the MUD (“MUD” is another word for text-based online game). I’m happy to say that I have now done that — I have a working MUD now where you can create your character, walk around in a tiny three-room world, talk to other characters, and fight them. This “fighting” though, is laughably simple; when you attack another character, the MUD flips a coin to decide who won the fight. That’s hardly exciting, but at this stage it isn’t meant to be. It’s just a placeholder, so that I at least have a combat system right away. Similarly, three rooms (or locations) is obviously nowhere near the hundreds if not thousands of rooms a MUD should have, but it’s a start — and that’s the point.

So — let me show you what I’ve done!

1. The World

There are now three rooms in my world. Let me show you how they look in the game:



Christer Enfors

Parent, gamer, professional software development nerd and amateur martial arts nerd. Loves roleplaying games.