Blind Luck MUD Development Diary, Entry 1

Christer Enfors
13 min readAug 8, 2021

Since I have more ambition than sense, I’ve decided to go ahead and start development on an online fantasy roleplaying game in Python — a text-based MMORPG — where the visually impaired who use screen readers can participate on the same terms as everyone else. As I make this game, I will write a series of articles (of which this one is the first) where I share my progress. Will I succeed? I have no idea! Read along, and let’s find out together!

A partial map of a fantasy medieval town, with the text “Blind Luck MUD Development Diary” superimposed on it.
Map image by Christer Enfors, using

A note though — this is not a tutorial. I will show you some of the Python code as I write it and explain how it works, but my aim is not to teach you how to make a game. I will, however, point you to relevant tutorials from time to time, should you feel inspired to make something of your own. And eventually, I will probably need help from my fellow Python developers expanding on this game, so stay tuned — maybe you can join me in the not too distant future?

I explored the topic of making a game like this in a previous article. If you don’t know what a MUD is, then I suggest you start with that article and come back here when you’re done. The short version is, a MUD is a text-based online roleplaying game. The visually impaired, who use screen readers — software that reads computer text out loud to them — can play these games. But more often than not, MUDs aren’t especially designed to work well with screen…



Christer Enfors

Parent, gamer, professional software development nerd and amateur martial arts nerd. Loves roleplaying games.